Part 2

Do Better

Develop better habits & increase your productivity with lessons inspired by Why We Do What We Do, 100 Ways to Motivate Yourself & Elastic Habits.

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  Lesson 12

Preventing Self-Sabotage

Insight inspired by Stillness Is the Key (Ryan Holiday)

Once you start making some solid progress and begin implementing new habits, the same problem tends to occur every time: you get in your own way.

More specifically, your poor thinking gets in the way. Slowly and incrementally you begin to lose focus and before you know it, what you once committed to now seems optional.

This typically occurs because of an overwhelm with your inputs and that’s why this micro-lesson is based on Ryan Holiday’s book, Stillness is the Key. In the book, Ryan shares that the true secret to psychological and practical success is stilling your mind.

One of the methods he provides to accomplish this feat is by limiting your inputs. That space between your ears is yours, and yours alone.

If you don’t protect your mind from poor inputs you’ll experience overwhelm which leads to disorientation which leads to a lack of focus which leads to poor decision making.

Eventually, your daily routine will become based on emotions in your moments of weakness rather than your intentions from your moments of strength.

Limiting your inputs can come in a variety of packages but here are a few simple ways to do it: Don’t consume news in real-time, limit your availability, turn off your notifications/phone, remove background noises and distractions, cultivate solitude.

You get to choose what level you turn the noise down to but choose wisely because if you don’t turn it down you’ll eventually not be able to hear what really matters.

Goal of the Week

Protect your time and invest it in the areas that matter the most to you.

  Quote of the Week

“You need to be doing fewer things for more effect instead of doing more things with side effects.”


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